The social network Twitter has reportedly decided to delay the launch of its new payment plan for verified accounts until after the U.S. midterm elections, CNN has learned.
The decision to delay the feature proposed by the company’s new owner, Elon Musk, comes after it has faced widespread public backlash, as the initiative could make it more difficult to distinguish between real users from those posing as celebrities and politicians.
Twitter’s verification mark has long been used to confirm the authenticity of government officials, prominent figures and journalists, so the move had succumbed to criticism, particularly over fears that it could influence U.S. elections.
However, the change in the launch date of the payment plan comes a day after the platform launched an updated version of its app for iOS — the operating system for Apple phones — which details that users who pay eight euros a month can agree to get a blue check mark.
More specifically, the latest update to the app has been described on Apple’s App Store as a new verification feature «just like the celebrities, companies and politicians you already follow.»